The Pros And Cons Of Selfishness

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Is the Golden Rule selfish? Those terms seem to be opposites, the Golden Rule and Selfishness, but when you dig deep into their meanings, you find that they are more closely related than you may have thought. Selfishness is almost directly associated in modern society to coincide with evil. Although, from an analytical and philosophical standpoint, selfishness is just looking out for one’s own self, or basically putting yourself before others. On the other hand, we were always taught empathy and sympathy since we were children. “Treat others the way that you would want to be treated,” or “do unto others that you would want done unto you,” that is the Golden Rule. A common lesson that has been instilled in us for years, and still is today, that …show more content…

One of the more famous figures to reject these views of putting oneself before all others and above all things was Ayn Rand, a Russian-born American writer and philosopher. Rand didn’t believe that humans were compelled to seek their own self-interest but rather man seeks out what is required and necessary for one’s own survival, as opposed seeking out values for the means of fulfilling the desires and aspirations of irrationality. Rand coins this as rational selfishness (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). In addition, Rand believed that through rational selfishness, human good doesn’t require human sacrifice. Simply put, doing good deeds doesn’t result in the sacrifice of one’s own self-interest. In Ayn Rand’s ‘Virtue of Selfishness,’ she proposes that we as humans ought to behave rationally, rather than humans acting out because of the way our brains are constructed. From this standpoint, Rand believes it is our moral duty to pursue our own rational self-interests (Peikoff). So through this view, selfishness isn’t viewed as an evil, self-centered act like in popular culture. For example, if you become a doctor so you can help people who are sick and who are hurt and you thoroughly enjoy doing so and it brings you satisfaction to help people, this means that you are acting selfishly. So it becomes selfish for you to help people as a doctor, but it is your duty to be selfish as a doctor, …show more content…

Altruism, in basic terms, is the absence of selfishness. You may be thinking ‘wow, no one is selfish? That sounds like a perfect society.’ Unfortunately, it is the opposite. In an altruistic society, there is no concept of a “self-respecting, self-supporting man. Which means that altruism permits no view of man other than as sacrificial animals, its permits no concept of co-existence among men, and it permits no concept of justice.” (Peikoff). Almost sounds a bit like Hobbes’ ‘State of Nature,’ except rather than being a war of all against all, it’s is that everyone is a poor and worthless as the next guy. So what does this tell you about a society that lacks selfishness? It’s unfavorable. So selfishness is, in turn, a good thing. Without it, we end up finding ourselves having no self-value and eventually conclude that there is no true, underlying reason to even exist. Where the Golden Rule comes into play here is that we are taught the Golden Rule to instill in us the consideration and compassion of other individual’s feelings by performing selfless acts, but the Golden Rule is selfish, and that is a good thing. By having our self-interest at heart while performing a good deed, it shows that we have our own values (Sanford Rose Associates). Although, some people may have different internal values that misconstrue each person’s idea of selfishness, known as Objectivist ethics, but that is

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