The Pros And Cons Of Organizational Diversity

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Organizational diversity is a vital attribute causing rapidly growing controversial debates in today’s public and private business sectors. Many of the adversarial perspectives regarding organizational diversity have manifested in various organizations due to the implementation of laws, sanctions, programs and other initiatives designed and mandated to create a more equalized employment workforce.
Some of the many anti-discriminative programs and governmental agencies have attempted to regulate policies related to discriminatory practices in a business organizational structure by incorporating stricter consequences for prejudicial acts and monitoring equivalent opportunities in efforts to reduce organizational biases and acts of discrimination for any protected class or underrepresented population in the structure of these organizations. As one example, The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) which was created under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and charged with the function to enforce federal laws prohibiting workplace discrimination. In addition, in1961, another action created through The Civil Rights Act of 1964 worth noting is Affirmative Action. More specifically, President John F. Kennedy issued an executive order to mandate government …show more content…

To further illustrate, personal discomfort largely impacted individual services in a diverse environment causing detriment to the host organization. This scenario has also challenged art museum curating, where people of color have been isolated in particular institutions, different from their Caucasian counterparts in the U.S. (Simpson, 2015). This paper focuses on some rationale with regards to both minority and Caucasian individuals and the varied interests on art museum

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