The Pros And Cons Of Mexican Immigrants

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The United States of America is known as the land of the American Dream. For many years, people from over the world had come to this country to seek a better life for themselves and their children. Unfortunately, they go through a lot of adversity to cross the border. Immigrants walk for days in the dessert with a help of a coyote. While some make it, others die. Some Mexican immigrants also overstay their visas. Some of the Mexican illegal immigrants in this country were forced to come, due to the poverty and violence in their country. Others are here for job opportunities and a better future. They are forced to leave their family and some never see them again. Mexican immigrants come from all over Mexico. According to the ACS data, the …show more content…

Sometimes, people judge without knowing what some people have gone through. Mexican immigrants make the hard choice to come to the United States to live the American Dream. The simple task of making that choice is not easy. They must think about their family that they are leaving behind or the long journey that awaits them with their children in the dry dessert. Mexican immigrants chose to leave their country because the poverty and crime rate are high. They are in fear to lose their lives. The homicide rate is around 10-14 per 100,000 people (Jackson, A). In 2000, the unemployment rate was at 2.2 and in 2009, it rose to 34.43 percent (Jackson, A). People in Mexico depend on the farming. Not all soil is suitable for plant life, which makes it harder for other to live off the little they make. Forty-seven percent of Mexican families live under the poverty line. What awaits them if they stay? There is no way they can make ends without a job. They are forced to move to the United States to live a better life and where they can provide for their children. Pull factor that influence Mexican immigrants are the quality of life, family, better jobs, and schools. Roughly six percent of the population in Mexico do not have access to drinking water (Jackson, A). There is a better-paying job in America that allows the Mexican immigrants to send money to their family in Mexico. 86.1 percent of Mexicans can read and …show more content…

This desert separates Mexico and American and the Rio Grande. While some people make it, other die along the way. Some immigrants are caught by the border patrol and are sent back to their country. Another way that some Mexican immigrants get to the U.S. is by overstaying their visas. The presence of Mexican immigrants has impacted the community of the U.S positively and negatively. In 2013, it cost taxpayers $113 billion. Educating Mexican immigrants children are alone costing $52 million (The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers). On the positive side, Mexican immigrants are bettering the economy by taking jobs that some people chose to not do because it does not pay well. Then later, there are those same people complaining about why the U.S. should get rid of immigrants because they are taking jobs away. They are improving the economy by performing the

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