The Pros And Cons Of Kitchen Remodels

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It has been said that kitchens are the hearts of homes. Kitchens are in constant use, whether it's during the day or at night. The use of kitchens has extended far beyond food preparation, though. A kitchen is a room within a home where memories are made, conversations and stories are shared with family and friends, and where our children learn how to make chocolate chip cookies and other delicious snacks and meals. Kitchen’s are becoming more popular as it is one of the most used spaces in a home, and it is for that reason why kitchen remodels are delayed or avoided. However, the truth is that kitchen cabinets, countertops, and appliances wear out. Kitchen design can also become outdated and ‘ancient’ as trends change over time. As a homeowner, …show more content…

Outdated kitchen Having a dated kitchen in your home can hold down its property value. If you are planning on selling your home, whether it is now or a few years from now, you may want to consider upgrading your kitchen so that you can increase the value and marketability of your home, getting the most from the sale. Again, old kitchen appliances and equipment can become worn with use over time which can make it more difficult for upkeep and cleaning. If you have a kitchen with old or lfew kitchen appliances, you’re missing out on some technological advancements that make our lives much easier! Today’s kitchen appliances are highly energy-efficient, which will help you save money on your next energy bill. Kitchen design also plays an important role in the kitchens overall appeal. Check out the following outdated kitchen designs, if you have one or more in your kitchen, it may be an indicator that your need to remodel. Heavily used boring granite patterns (i.e Baltic, Brown, Venetian …show more content…

Most cabinets have a long lifespan, but when they become worn, it can be noticeable. The most common area to spot wear and tear on your cabinetry is on the front. After years of being handled and facing the elements of a kitchen, the finish on the front of cabinets will eventually begin to wear.Drawer boxes that are found in cabinets generally aren’t very strong, as most of them are constructed of particle board that is stapled together. Other common types of wear you can notice on cabinets is softness, mold, and water damage. Modern kitchen cabinets now feature long-lasting finishes that can fight off most kitchen messes. Additionally, drawer boxes have become more durable and sturdy to meet our

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