The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Gun Control
Gun violence is a terrible problem in our country. It is sensitive subject with all the numerous shootings and deaths due to guns that are happening around our home country. From state to state gun laws are very weak which allows criminals and the mentally ill to be able to get their hands on guns. Not only do we need to worry about criminals getting a hold of guns we need to account for accidents too. Guns are a safety hazard wherever they are. Every human being will have an accident or make a mistake, but with a gun a mistake could be deadly. To control a gun a person should have extensive training which being lenient. The safest way is for only law enforcement or military to have access to these type of weapons. This is a huge …show more content…

They should be in a safe environment free from harm. But in the United States it is hard to create that safe environment with our gun laws lacking protection for citizens. Gun control laws should be created to not only keep guns off our streets but to keep our children safe in schools. When we think of gun control we always think of criminals with guns. This is not always the main reason for gun control. There is a huge problem with accidents with guns or guns getting in the hands of children. (Zornick, 2014) There also is a huge problems with suicides guns are used in most of all suicides that occur. (Harvard, 2003) Most of the accidental shootings are children being harmed by accident. Harvard research center has stated;
The majority of people killed in firearm accidents are under age 24, and most of these young people are being shot by someone else, usually someone their own age. The shooter is typically a friend or family member, often an older …show more content…

The amount of homicides that are gun related are 11,068 (CDC, 2011). The percent of murders that are gun related is ridiculous. Per 100,000 people, on average 4 people will die a year due to murder with a gun (CDC, 2011). Guns should be banned or restricted to superior personal to keep the safety of our citizens. Guns are not just related to murder there are 19,990 suicides per year. Gun control should be enforced to keep people safe. According to the CDC “Roughly 30,000 people are killed in the U.S. each year by guns” this is an outstanding number of deaths caused guns. A study has been made by the University of Harvard

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