The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Variation

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Genetic variations are the differences in individuals within a population. Variations are the visual differences everyone has caused by random changes in our DNA. Mutations are the most primary source of variation that happens in every type of life form. Mutations are very common and happen all the time. They are mistakes that occur during the process of replicating the DNA. Mutations include skipping, inserting, deleting, duplicating, copying incorrectly, or moving huge chunks of DNA. Mutations that occur during fertilization are passed down to the offspring. They occur at random and can change the function of a protein. A mutation that has happened to humans is that we have different colored skin. We came from our ancient African ancestors, as they migrated humans evolved. Natured helped us mutate and get lighter skin to help us survive with the amount of light there was in our environment. There are many disadvantages and advantages to genetic mutations.
It is when our genes are shuffled during reproduction and creates new gene combinations. Recombination happens during egg and sperm production. It also happens in organisms that reproduce asexually. Variation is important because it helps the human race evolve over time. Humans were not able to digest milk, but as time went on, humans evolves and were able to digest milk even until they were older and as adults. In conclusion, variation is a positive advantage to the human race because every variation that happens is passed down to other generations so they can live and survive in their environment. Variation helps us adjust to our environment as we grow and evolve over

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