The Pros And Cons Of Evolution And Evolution

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We all from a young age question where we came from. Today, we learn from genesis or evolution. As creationists, it is believed that humans were created in the image of God, the story of creation can be found in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis in the Bible. The theory states that the universe and all life in it, originated in its present form from God, and created in six 24-hour days. This was the concept of how humans exist today, until 1859, when Charles Darwin proposed his theory of evolution, Darwinism. Darwinism is thought that all human beings and all living things are descents from natural selection. This being that all living organisms evolve naturally from more simple ancestors over time. The areas of embryology and fossils have been argued from the perspectives of both creation and evolution, as more scientific evidence is found to confirm each theory. Currently evolution is more universally accepted and is the ‘prime’ theory to be taught in schools although creation may be commonly accepted. This essay will investigate the evidence from both embryology and fossils to determine which theory, creation and evolution, should be taught in schools.
An embryo is an unborn animal or human young, in its early or start of its life after fertilization, that occurs during the development process.
Evolutionists said that a fish called Coelacanth had died out 70 million years ago, yet fossils of this fish were found in rocks which were supposed to that old, but none in ‘younger’ rocks. They then said that it was becoming an amphibian and would evolve legs, 13 years later another Coelacanth was caught again and again. The theory had been ruined, this occurred too for Tuatara’s, sea lilies, cockroaches and many other organisms. source creation

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