The Pros And Cons Of Euthanasia

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Euthanasia has been a very polemic subject in American society. Its objective is to conclude the life of a person at their own request, a family member, or by the determination of a health care professional to avoid unnecessary suffering. There is a lot of moral and ethics involved in euthanasia, exist a big difference between provoke death and allow death. The first one rejects life, the second one accepts its natural end. Every single intentional act of provoke the death of a person without consent is opposed to ethics and is punishable by law. One of the biggest moral controversies in the XXI century is the fact that some people agree in the autonomy humans have to determine the moment of death. The moral and legal implications are huge and the practical benefits are also enormous. This is a touchy and controversial issue and my goal on writing this paper is to remain on favor of euthanasia. I will elaborate later on my reasons to believe and support euthanasia, but first let’s examine the historical perspective of this moral issue. Every time we analyze and elaborate about a controversial issue is imperative that we develop an historic perspective. Debates about the ethics and legality of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide date from ancient Rome and Greek culture. Several cultures in ancient times practiced and support euthanasia. Greek culture especially, for them, beauty and autonomy were really important. They believe that if a person is no longer capable to take care of himself and is suffering with a terminal disease they should be allowed to die peacefully and with dignity. The Romans also defended euthanasia, they consider that when a warrior or enemy was suffering beyond a point with grievous bodily harm ... ... middle of paper ... ...hat patients should be allowed to make the decision of the right time to end their life’s and to always have the right to die with dignity. Without physician assistance people who are terminal ill may commit suicide in a messy, horrifying and traumatic way. Terminal ill patients sometimes suffer discomfort and pains so terrible that is beyond the comprehension of those who have not actually experienced it. The options given to those individuals to end their own life can saved them from their misery, therefore such policies are morally right. Also with allowing this policies we can spare a lot of suffering to the family, without a doubt it can be traumatic for a family member see their loved ones slowly die. Sometimes terminal ill patients remain connected to artificial respirators devices, taking strong doses of painkillers and in general living an unworthy life.

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