The Pros And Cons Of Child Beauty Pageants

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Living in a World of Barbies: Meet the Child Beauty Pageants
The seven-year old girl caught a glimpse of herself in a small, cracked mirror as she was walking towards the stage. After spending countless hours sitting in a chair getting her hair and makeup styled to perfection, she looked up to see an unrecognizable version of herself: a little girl with a spray tan, lush lashes and bright red lips. She eerily resembled a plastic barbie doll. With her face covered in cosmetics, she couldn’t help but feel that somewhere hidden behind all the layers of makeup was a small, innocent child whose thoughts and beliefs were being negatively altered due to a Child Beauty Pageant competition. Many people believe that this competition promotes …show more content…

They also later on develop severe disorders due to all the pressure to look as thin as possible (Henson, 2011). When children at such young ages compete in a contest that judges them solely on their appearance, it’s no wonder their self-esteem begins to plummet. With thousands of children participating in a single contest, there can only be one winner. It’s as good as saying “We don’t think you qualify for our beauty standards. You should go and begin to pack your bags” to the rest of the many children that don’t win. Randi Anderson entered her first Pageant at age four. When she was standing on the stage, her competitors began to walk on to join her. Randi was so ashamed with herself that she bent her head down, and she didn’t end up winning the competition. This shot her self-esteem at an all time low (Gleick, 2001). Nicole Hunter, a former Child Beauty Pageant star stated “I don't even know what it is to feel attractive without make-up on my face,” (Bahl, 2010). It teaches children that their self-worth is dependant on their looks: that they can’t be comfortable with themselves unless they change something about them. As a matter of fact, these competitions put so much stress on young children that they often end up with either an eating disorder (such as anorexia or …show more content…

Beauty Pageants require kids to engage in a long, time consuming commitment, and by participating in them, children are robbed of carefree, stressless childhoods which in turn forces them to mature too quickly. Youngsters need to learn how to socialize, how to establish between what's right and wrong, and how to be responsible. They can only build upon these essential skills through experience, for example by spending time outside with their friends and participating in engaging activities and sports. Child Beauty Pageants on the hand are put to many restrictions. Their day involves harsh exercise routines and 500 calorie diets (Walker, 2015). They simply don’t have the time to themselves to join other people their age in character-building activities. Former Child Beauty Pageant star, Brooke Breedwell stated “I just wish I would be allowed to play with other children my age. But my mum would pull me away from my friends and transform me from a tomboy into a beauty queen because she insisted I needed to practise every day,” (Bindley, 2012). Overtime, being unable to spend time socializing with others will backfire on the Child Pageants because as they get older, they will lack necessary skills that are crucial for them to build character and to learn from their experiences. Their childhood quickly

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