The Pros And Cons Of Banning Books

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When controversial topics are mentioned, literature is probably not the first, or most pressing, one that comes to mind. But books can and have been highly controversial ground for schools, libraries, and governments around the world and throughout history. Literature successfully pushes boundaries and comfort levels and has done so since the beginning of printed texts. Lots of sources agree that, “Books that span all eras and topics and are aimed at the young and the old are frequently objected to and challenged by many” (Olson 1). Because of this, on all levels, books are banned yearly because of content and language. However, in a highly technological and digital world, book banning is not an effective way to safeguard the minds of the young. …show more content…

Rowling. Schools and parents tended to disapprove of these books because of the obvious topic of magic that the books discusses. Even with a hundred years or more in between them, both The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and the Harry Potter series are each contested for different reasons. Huckleberry Finn for language and the historical terms used and Harry Potter for witchcraft. This is a broad span of topics to cover, from racism to wizardry, and yet there are still two sides to the argument that people continue to make both for and against these books. When books like this are discussed and debated, it is easy to see reasonable arguments on both sides of the aisle. There are some who are strongly opposed to young people reading racist words. Parents and teachers make a good case about this aspect. The young, impressionable minds of children read literature and absorb the ideas therein and then regurgitate them. Therefore there is some content that is unsuitable for younger minds. But that is why education and conversation are an essential part of reading any book, no matter the topic. If children are introduced to racist language or slang, it should also be important to introduce them to a responsible use of that knowledge. It is also easily understandable how and why witchcraft might make some uncomfortable. However, literature can only shape our minds but it cannot force us to mimic it or act upon the ideas it illustrates. If anything, books that have objectionable material might need an age restriction, but ideas can never be permanently censored. A book might be discontinued from print, but the topic or idea in it will continue to exist in the mind, on the Internet, and in other books. Instead of censoring things governments, schools, and parents should think about considering the material and opening a dialogue about why it is no longer acceptable or why

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