The Pros And Cons Of Bad Debt

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Bad debt definition: A debt that is not collectible and therefore worthless to the creditor. This occurs after all attempts are made to collect on the debt. Bad debt is usually a product of the debtor going into bankruptcy or where the additional cost of pursuing the debt is more than the amount the creditor could collect. This debt, once considered to be bad, will be written off by the company as an expense.
1) EX: Mr.A borrow loans from the bank to buy a car with the high interest rate. He use it to travel every day. While he still be spending a large amount of money for the loans every month with the extra interest, the value of the car eventually depreciates until it is worthless. 2 years latter, his lung cancer recurred stronger. He have …show more content…

The banks actively increased the provision for bad debts, accept reduced profits or losses.
2. the bank should have policies salary, bonus reasonable in this difficult phase
3. The State should securitize bad loans by 3 methods.
i. If the enterprise has a history of good business management, struggling on the obligation to repay the principal or by the investment projects being implemented yet operational ... may transfer part of the original debt into medium-term bonds . This is to support liquidity and help enterprises survive and develop.

ii. The second method is the overdue debt, bad debt into shares. Also, moving the position of banks was a major shareholder creditors hold a majority stake if found after corporate restructuring likely to survive and grow. According to the interpretation of VAFI, how to handle this is pretty common routine world. For Vietnam, ever had so many successful cases, will not only save businesses from the risk of bankruptcy dissolution but also preserve the banks' capital.

iii. To the basic conditions for the securitization process is successful, according to VAFI, as co-creditor banks should actively improve more communities, in collaboration with businesses to write off bad debts. At the same time, banks should use their subsidiaries as management company debt trading, securities company or fund management company to participate actively in the process of …show more content…

The Government should allow some foreign banks with strong financial strength, good corporate governance of the bank acquired weakness. The weak banks, as defined by the VAFI, the bank has weak business administration, with the NPL ratio is very high.

6. the State Bank should encourage banks to buy back really strong weak banks. However, this acquisition needs financial support from the state from the Bank.

7. Free of taxes (VAT, corporate income tax ...) for debt trading activities to promote the formation and development of market debt trading. VAFI said that the exemption from taxes on the purchase and sale of debt will reduce losses on bad debt, boosting the private investors participated in debt trading market. At the same time, implementing this solution will not make costly state budget.

8. the State should exempt corporate income tax for professional corporate bond issuance. Association of Financial Investors, said that this will reduce interest rates, and helps commercial banking system have conditions for long-term capital mobilization, rather than short-term, while promoting the process of stock of the

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