The Pros And Cons Of Assisted Suicide

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When it comes to the topic of assisted suicide, most of us will agree that this is a very complicated debate.Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of assisted suicide being a crime. Whereas some are convinced that assisted suicide is a reasonable matter, others maintain that it is manslaughter. Assisted suicide is a type of euthanasia. Euthanasia is the act or practice of killing someone who is terminally ill or has a painful medical condition. There are different categories under euthanasia that are defined according to the patient’s consent and the procedure in which it is carried out. Assisted suicide is a voluntary decision made by a competent patient. The patient goes to a doctor and is prescribed medication to end their life themselves. In order to receive this medication, it has to be legal in the state in which they live in and their state of condition must meet the requirements to be eligible for this option. …show more content…

These states insist that patients requesting physician assisted suicide meet the requirements in order to follow through with their request. A few things are taken into consideration before the process of giving lethal medication to the patient is complete such as patient’s eligibility, physician protocol, patient’s request timeline, as well as a few other things. Most of the states require that the patient be of eighteen years of age or older, be a resident within the state where its legal, be capable of making and communicating health care decisions for themselves, and must be diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to death within six

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