The Pros And Cons Of Addictions

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Why can addicts not quit? This is a big question on every person’s mind who has ever had to deal with a family member, friend or even spouse who has had an addiction to drugs, alcohol and even something such as video games or pornography. Most say that addiction is a disease, and some say that it is a choice. Addiction in any way shape or form has the power to ruin the life of the person that has the addiction and anyone that loves that person because one must watch that person slowly spiral out of control. They are no longer their own person, they are overcome by the want and need of the addiction. One could say that addiction is a disease that cannot be helped but some do not agree because they have offered help and rehabs and everything for their loved one struggling and nothing seems to help. So, if one does not accept the help, do they simply not want to get better? In Seattle last year, there was a record of 359 people die from an overdose. The majority of them involved opioids, prescription drugs and heroine (Khazan). Many people have an issue with …show more content…

If someone cared for their children and other loved ones in their life and seen them struggling they would do whatever it took to end that suffering. Not saying they do not love them but stating facts that when you truly love someone and want the best for them, one does not let them go on feeling unloved and second best to an addiction. Simply an addict is an addict because they have adapted to that life style and the people and they will most likely not change until they want to, or they end up dying from their addiction. Coming from a background of being raised by grandparents because the parents are drug addicts, it is easy to feel and have compassion for younger children who do not understand why their parents do the things that they do. Addiction is a dangerous thing to deal with, regardless whether one is the addict or the innocent

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