The Pros And Cons Of Abortion And Pro-Life

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Abortion has been an on-going debate throughout all history. The two sides are pro-choice and pro-life. People who are pro-life are against it and the people who are for it are pro-choice. It all began in 1973, the Supreme court made abortion legal, according to the 14th amendment it’s a right to privacy to women. Some women, who are pro-choice, think it’s empowering, because they can do with their body as they please. Others, who are pro-life, think it’s morally and ethically wrong to kill an unborn child. When you choose to get an abortion, you’re choosing to kill an unborn child, medical complications, the man tends to have no say, and theology is influential in making the decision. There are many medical complications with getting an abortion. If anyone were to ask what they felt once they gave birth to their child what they felt, the mother would say she felt so much love she never thought she could have for one person(s). Women who experience abortion mourn the death of their child afterwards. The abortion process is harmful to the women (Millar, 501). Though not really recorded on their emotional state, many woman find themselves depressed at the loss of their baby. Most women that chose to speak about their experience said they had suicidal thoughts after getting an abortion. This emotional scarring may vary depending on the woman and her mental and emotional stability when getting an abortion. We should treat abortion as a loss. A loss through the death of a child. There’s a profound amount of grief and trauma a woman goes through getting an abortion (Millar, 502). If people, our society, were to think of abortion as a loss then many people would reconsider getting an abortion. Women who are often grieved by this loss, tend to fall into depression and develop other emotional tendencies that aren’t healthy for them. That’s another reason why they have women go through sessions with a doctor before getting an abortion. You may think you are ready, but it’s nothing compared to experiencing the Everyone believes in their own truths and thinks they’re right. What’s wrong is that we have laws that say it’s okay to kill an unborn child, but also have laws that protect them. They have evidence that shows by the time a woman has found out she is pregnant and gets an abortion the baby already has a heartbeat. They consider the baby a living being when they first are conceived. No matter what changes are made the arguments will keep circulating on whether we should keep abortion legal or not and how it’s a woman’s choice if she wants to keep the baby or not. It’s not a stable topic seeing as how there is some gray area and there are many other things that attribute to it. When will there be a change in society to see, that getting an abortion means

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