The Problem Of Rape In Colleges

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One out of 5 women and one out of 71 men in the United States are raped in their lifetime (Joyful Heart Foundation, 2015). This is also a dangerous activity happening to college students. Due to the high numbers of rape at college, victims are not speaking up and they can drop out because of threats. In order to solve this, they need to provide a safe place for victims to talk about their problem, have more supervised parties, and have a curfew.

Colleges should be a safe environment for students, but instead there are cases of rape on college. The reporting rates are very low at colleges. An average of only 12% of student victims report the assault. One of 5 women have been assaulted by somebody they know. About 85-90% sexual assaults reported are done by someone known to the victims(National Institute of Justice, 2008). An average 28% of forced rapes took place at a college. Women blame themselves for being drunk and don’t report it (Steve Inskeep, 2010). …show more content…

Women often blame themselves for being drunk and don’t report it. When most rapes are not reported, that makes the problem difficult. Problems that are not addressed like sexual assault, sexual harassment, and might be stalked by a college student. Most schools address sexual assault as a violation of conduct codes. Some colleges rape prevention is insufficient and have several weaknesses when trying to solve it like: not being clear about the goals, more focused on attitude than behavior, not really helping those at high risk, and not following up on the

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