The Presentation of Bill Sikes in Oliver Twist

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Analyse the presentation of Bill Sikes in the novel Oliver Twist.

You should refer to aspects such as the author’s viewpoint, language

and the social and historical contest.

I am going to write a detailed and accurate piece of writing in the

form of an essay to answer the statement above. I will do this by

using quotes from the book, my own theories on what the author is

trying to portray Bill Sikes as and also my own knowledge of the

Victorian era. I will be looking at specific areas, which I feel will

help me write a more concluding and correct account of the story

Oliver Twist.”

I will focus on areas such as Bill Sikes behaviour towards others, how

characters around Sikes react when he is there and how backgrounds and

phrases reflect the character of Sikes.

The author of this novel, Charles Dickens has written throughout in 3rd

person, I believe he has done this to show Sikes as the character he

really is, a mean thoughtless and thuggish person in society, this

makes the reader believe that he was actually there witnessing the

life and times of Sikes. It is therefore written in an omniscient kind

of way, as you feel as though Charles Dickens was watching over Sikes

as if God like. I have interpreted to be quite a good way in writing

the story because Sikes is anything but an angel, as he goes around

stealing and bullying people into doing things for him, like his dirty

work. This gives a contrasting effect on the story.

It is written in 3rd person to create a judging description on the

other characters. This has made characters such as Oliver and Nancy

seem good people and then characters like Fagin, Dodger and Sikes seem

bad ones. By adding such things as prostitution, thieving


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... murderer. Dickens may have also written about Sikes

‘accidentally’ hanging himself because if the hundreds of people who

had gathered and were know after him, caught up with him, then he

would of got hung by them in the town anyway.

Why the chase is on to catch Sikes, hundreds of people hear of what he

has done and want to see him brutally killed because they believe that

it would be justice.

“Each little bridge (and there were three in sight) bent beneath the

weight of the crown upon it. Still the current poured on to find some

nook or hole from which to vent their shouts, and only for an instant

see the wretch”.

This shows how much Sikes was hated in his last few moments alive.

I also believe that justice was done when Sikes died, he was a bully,

a woman beater, a murderer, a kidnapper and both physically and

verbally cruel to everyone he met.

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