The Power Of Executive Order

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Throughout these last couple of presidencies, the words “Executive Order” have often been heard in national media coverage of United States politics. However, what exactly is an Executive Order? Many American citizens may have heard this statement tossed around in the Obama or Trump presidency yet do not fully comprehend its meaning. In short, it is a written instruction that allows the president to oversee the use of resources and work his or her will through the executive branch. Nevertheless, it does not allow a president to establish new laws or to perform an unconstitutional act that passes certain boundaries set by the authors of the United States Constitution. The authors of this highly regarded piece of law and literature understood the importance in allowing the presidents to issue Executive Orders while also realizing that powers must be balanced between all branches to prevent an autocratic government from emerging.
The founders of the Constitution gave presidents the power of Executive Orders for its pragmatic and rapid decision making. Within the …show more content…

This balance of power definitely calms one over the future of American politics, especially in such as heated political atmosphere as it is right now. The notable authors of the Constitution were highly intelligent individuals who realized that by giving the power of Executive Orders to presidents that expediency would become apparent in some needed situations, yet they were also not naive to the fact that this power can be abused. The Congress and the Judicial Branch are thus there to prevent an unbalance of power from emerging. The government set-up is a strong base that will not be easily toppled or even scratched. Politics, most would agree, is overall a difficult topic to understand and at times not go insane from. In the end, however, the structure of the government in terms of the three branches and the Constitution is one thing the American people should remain putting their faith

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