The Positive and Negative Influences of Television on Children

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Televisions play an important role in our children’s lives; they serve as a way to learn new things and expand their knowledge, as well as a form of entertainment. Televisions have a variety of advantages on a child’s development and personality. However, it can certainly have negative effects on children if used in an incorrect manner. This essay is intended to explore and contrast the positive and negative effects television can have on our children.
Among the many benefits televisions have on our children, is expanding their educational exposure. Watching TV introduces our children to people and places around the world that they would not otherwise encounter in daily life. That can widen their knowledge and interests in specific topics, as well as teach them other people’s cultural values. According to a systematic literature research by Dmitri A. Christakis, MD, MPH; Educational television programs, such as Sesame Street and Mister Rogers, can help our children in the gathering of general information; also it can improve their overall cognitive awareness especially among young children. Another way children benefit from watching TV is helping them learn the English Language. Watching TV in English can provide children who do not speak English as their first language a sense of what spoken English sounds like. For example, before coming to the United Sates, I made my children watch American cartoons and TV shows which, as a result, helped ease blending in to the American society and their peers at schools. Watching TV in English can also help children understand certain slangs and words unused in daily life that they wouldn’t know about otherwise. This can be of great help for children who are English Language Learners. ...

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...reliant on TV as a source of entertainment, rather than spending time with other people socializing and improving their conversational skills, it damages their character and makes them less confident which ultimately harms their professional lives in the future.
In conclusion, Television is a great tool that both children and adults can benefit from. It offers a variety of ways that can help us educate, entertain, and expand our children's knowledge. When used correctly, watching TV can have a positive impact on your child’s memory as well as improve their personality and widen their interests. However, most parents seem to forget that any great invention can have disadvantages if used in an incorrect manner. I hope this essay helps you understand the benefits watching TV can have on your children, but also show you the dangers of using it in an incorrectly.

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