The Popular Sitcom: The Big Bang Theory

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The popular comedy, sitcom, TV series known as the “The Big Bang Theory,” has a specifically written opening song for the show. This catchy and well known hit, consists of various, plausible, key facts describing the creation, formation and history of the universe. Is this theme song a reputable and reliable scientific source or is it just for a humorous, iconic and catchy appeal? The opening line of the song is a plausible and reliable scientific statement. “Our whole universe was in a hot dense state then nearly fourteen million years ago expansion started, wait! The Earth began to cool.” There is scientific evidence and a plausible theory that supports this, commonly known as the Big Bang Theory. Originally introduced in 1927, it is widely …show more content…

This statement is backed up by the concept is backed up by red and blue shift. From electromagnetic radiation and, where the object sits on the spectrum to the corresponding wave lengths and colours, scientist can tell where objects are moving and how fast. This is also where the Doppler effect comes into play, where the effect produced by a moving source of waves in relation to the position of the observer. For example, if the light given off by the object is red, it means the waves are low frequency, and therefore stretched out, the object is moving away. There are numerous theories relating to the origins of the universe, such as the steady state. The steady state theory is that matter is continuously created as the universe expands, the overall density of the universe remains in the same and the universe has existed forever. Another theory is creationism, relating to a supreme being creating the universe. Evidence which supports this consists of religious scriptures, although this theory is not as popular as the Big Bang. Commonly throughout the song “Set in motion by the big bang,” or “It all started with a big bang” …show more content…

Collapsing ever inward, we won’t be here, it won’t be heard. Our best and brightest figure that it’ll make an even bigger bang! It all started with a Big Bang.” The first words as followed, “It’s expanding ever outward,” we already know is a reputable statement, via the Doppler and Red and Blue shift explained earlier. “But one day it will pause and start to go the other way”. The next line of the song “Collapsing ever inward, we won’t be here, it won’t be heard,” although there are various theories and speculations on how the universe will end, though it is obvious the theme song supports the Big Crunch Theory. It is hypothesised that the universe will continue expanding until it reaches its limits and will crash into its self, compressed into a singular point, essentially a reverse of the Big Bang. “Our best and brightest figure that it’ll make and even bigger bang,” describes how the event will take place, although this maybe reliable or what could possibly happen, it is all speculations and therefore not a reliable or reputable source. Although the Big Crunch is a popular conclusion to the end the universe, it is not the most supported. The most popular, supported conclusion by scientist is known as the Big Chill. Theorized, that eventually the expansion of the universe will draw the stars and planets so far away that the stars will burn until they

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