The Poetry Of Emily Dickinson

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Milu Patel A.P. English Mrs. Schreibman 7 June 2017 Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson was one of America’s great poets. Emily Dickinson wrote almost 1,800 poems and many letters. Most of her poetry was not published until after she died. Only about 10 out of thousands of poems were published. In 1865, Dickinson isolated herself from the outside world. Only her family and friends knew about her writing. She was very shy. Dickinson got to write because their maid Maggie Maher did extra work around the house that Dickinson should have been doing (Borus, 14-23). She is known for her famous epoms “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”, “Much Madness”, “If I can stop” and, “I Heard A Fly Buzz” and many others famous poems”. Emily Dickinson wrote about death, nature, pain, truth, religion, and love using unique styles to convey her themes. Dickinson found poetry in her day to day life. She took her writing very seriously. Emily Dickinson treated her themes with humor, playfulness, seriousness and sensitivity (Borus 44). Emily Dickinson poetry was unique. Her poetry very different from her time. Her poems was not …show more content…

Emily Dickinson only trusted people who were dying because she believed that people are true emotion/ truth come out when they are dying. “I Like A Look of Agony” was talking about a dying person and their true emotion (Tate, 82-87). Her poem “(#1129)” talks about truth not being captured completely through. She talks about the real truth should not always revealed. Dickinson would also not reveal stuff about her life. She would keep it private. She believed that real truth can not be told told all at once because it was too big (Borus, 68-75). Emily Dickinson also talks about pain in her poem. In “(#341)”, she would talk about the pain people go through after a funeral. In was trying to say that pain is part of life. She wanted people to understand the suffering Jesus must have felt on the cross (Borus

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