The Pistorius Murder Case

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Since March 3rd, the Oscar Pistorius murder case, which is The State vs. Oscar Pistorius, has been on an international stage. This case is over the murder of Pistorius’ girlfriend and model Reeva Steenkamp. It is taking place in Pretoria, South Africa in the Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa with Thokozile Masipa as the sitting judge. Oscar Pistorius is known for being a disabled runner who was able to compete at a high level for South Africa in a number of Paralympic Games as well as the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London. On February 14, 2013, early in the morning, Reeva Steenkamp was shot and killed by Pistorius at his home in Pretoria, South Africa. Pistorius claims that he shot her to death thinking that she was some type of intruder in his home. Pistorius was eventually taken into police custody and officially charged with murder on February 15, 2013 in a Pretoria court. Like any court case, both sides have made moves toward either defending Pistorius or prosecuting him, all leading to an eventual verdict by the judge, and her two assessors, who will help her evaluate the case.
In South Africa, criminal law states that murder can be defined as deliberate, unlawful killing of someone. The defense has to make the case that when Pistorius shot at what he thought was an intruder, that he did not do this intentionally, and he really did this in a mistaken self-defense, which when the self-defense is proven valid, it is lawful. Therefore, the defense has to bring up a reasonable doubt in Pistorius’s favor that it was mistaken self-defense, like he claimed, and the court would then consider if it was a realistic mistake that a sensible person would make in a similar, or the same, situation. The defense has used w...

... middle of paper ... in order to prove him guilty of murder.
The Oscar Pistorius murder case is one that has been at the attention of an international audience for almost two months, since March 3rd. Based on the cases brought up by both sides, my opinion is that the verdict is not guilty. To me, the whole situation and everything seems to show that what he did was out of mistaken self-defense and not unlawful murder. It will be interesting to see the eventual true outcome of the case when the judge declares a verdict, but until then, one can only make their assumptions based on all that has been presented by either side. Like in any case like this, there will always be questions as to truly what happened. With all of this Pistorius has gone from fame to shame, and whether or not the verdict is guilty or not guilty, someone still killed another, and someone is still lost their life.

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