The Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis

833 Words2 Pages

Alexandra Soludanova
The Novel
Essay 1
31 March, 2014

Explore the significance of beauty in The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Oscar Wilde's creativity is very versatile, it covers a lot of philosophical and aesthetic and moral problems. In this novel, most fully embodied the aesthetic ideal Wilde creativity and creative personality, contrasting inner world heartless, harsh reality, the proclamation of pleasure. The author made the theme of the relationship of aesthetic problems with ethical norms of society the main problem of the novel. In this book the Wilde's fiction and reality is very peculiar intertwined with fantasy.

Beauty is the fundamental paradox of the novel. Assessing the significance of beauty by, on the one hand, focuses on the fact that ugly people and art has always been perfect. On the other hand, that the beauty of art is necessary redemption of human sins, as morality and beauty make harmony. Beauty - a very individual concept. Than one person to be admired, the fact the other did not even look, and if you look, it is very surprised, because I do not find there is nothing beautiful. Beauty attracts. Often she brings some positive energy, purifies and enlightens. Therefore we can say that beauty has higher nature is divine.

Oscar Wilde claim that “Beauty, true beauty disappears where there is spirituality"( Wilde, 34). It's a story primarily about the relationship between art and life and art and beauty. Each of the characters - the embodiment of a certain side of art and beauty. Basil - the embodiment of service to art, Lord Henry - the embodiment of the philosophy of pleasure, and Dorian - a man who decided to make my life as beautiful as the art. In the novel of a young man Dorian Gray who worked as the model...

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...his is the terrible price of disregard for morality. It is, therefore, not be heroes watch themselves at present. By trying to kill morality and conscience, he had killed himself.
Thus, in the plot of the novel lies Oscar Wilde shows us the main idea of the aesthetics of unconditional superiority of art over real life. Art as the epitome of beauty forever, and because the hero dies, and continues to live a beautiful, as in the end of the artist's portrait. Everything seems to be consistent with theoretical views of the writer. Picture of Dorian Gray is the novel of aesthetic in the highest sense, not propagandizing aesthetic doctrine, and revealing her in danger. His novel, the author argues that life alone controlled sensuality and self-destructive anarchist.

Works Cited:
Wilde, Oscar. Thoughts, Aphorisms and Phrases. M.Moscow: Exmo-press, Pocketbook, 2010. Print.

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