The Physical Characteristics Of Walking

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Walking Assignment Every human being is very different and has special characteristics. Their physical characteristics and how they present themselves show their personality. No one is identical to another. Walking is something most humans are taught at a young age. Although we are basically all taught same way, we each have such a unique walk. A person’s walk can also change over time due to age and posture. How would you describe your walk? Do you think your walk represents your personality? People have told me they can recognize me from far away, because of my walk. Some say I walk with a lot of “swag” while others say I walk very poised. I guess it just depends on the time of day and the mood I’m in. My body type is shaped like a rectangle. My lack of wide …show more content…

He shuffles his New Balance sneakers, all around the room. He acts as if he were to lift his feet, he would float away. His feet slightly curve in with every step and this causes him to trip over his feet. He bends a lot at the knee and has a slight bounce, like I do. Some days he’ll come into class with this big, robot looking brace around his left knee. This causes his walk to change for that day. He cannot bend his knee as easily with the brace on. What he does because of this is swing his leg around and positions it under his body. He has a limp the days he wears the brace and doesn’t seem to walk around as much. Walking is a very fortunate ability we have and some take it for granted. Imagine not being able to get up and walk every day. How different would your life be? Walking can help with showing different moods. People that are happy and cheerful normally have a more confident, open walk. People that are sad tend to be hunched over, looking at the ground. Everyone has such different personalities and physical characteristics which causes them to walk in a certain way. In a way, it helps us express who we are as a

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