The Philosopher King

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The Republic by Plato, is one of his Socratic dialogues in which the main subject is what is just and defining justice as accurately as possible. In order to define justice Socrates develops an imaginary city in which many hypothetical conditions are met, and this city is ruled by the Philosopher King. This king is made king because he is raised to be the most just and wise of all the citizens. However, in a twist of irony, many people contend that the Philosopher King is the most unjust citizen of all. The Philosopher King is a part of the guardian class who is seen as the most wise and philosophical of all of the guardians. Due to his upbringing as a guardian he is uncorrupted by unmoral objects and people. The only thing he cares about is truth. According to Socrates he should be ruler to this fact that all he cares about is truth, he will have no reason to lie, cheat, …show more content…

If the Philosopher King is a philosopher, how can he be a king? Or how can a guardian suddenly become Philosopher King if his job is to be a guardian? However, these questions have answers, perhaps the Philosopher King is not a philosopher and a king, but simply a ruler, which is only one job and could be what he is meant to do. As far as it goes being a guardian and then become Philosopher King, the job of the guardian overall is to benefit the city in the best way possible, whether that be by serving out his life as a simple guardian, or by moving from guardian to Philosopher King. Now if the Philosopher King were serving multiple jobs such as philosopher and king, then he would be unjust, but since he is only doing one job as ruler, he is not unjust due to this. Also, due to his job being mainly to contribute to the city, it does not matter whether his job is to be a guardian or to be made Philosopher King, since he is still completing his main job of contributing to the

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