The Perks Of Being A Wallflower By Stephen Chbosky

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In The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, Charlie was a little overdramatic over some of the problems he faced. It seemed like he couldn't do anything on his own, and that he was not sure about anything. The littlest of things seemed to set him off. If Charlie wasn't so dramatic about everything, I think he would've been happier, able to think through his problems more clearly, and would have had an overall better life. Charlie could have been a lot happier if he didn't get so worked up over situations that didn't necessarily matter that much. In most of the letters that he wrote, there were always lines that stated "I walked home and while I walked home, I cried." "…I started to cry. It was real and panicky, and I couldn't stop it" (Chbosky 136). There were many sentences that were along those lines. He was nervous about high school too, and he started the book going into high school as a freshman. Every freshman is nervous for the first day of high school, so he was overdramatic in the way that he felt like he was the only one who was nervous for the first day of school. Crying over problems that don't deserve the salt …show more content…

They are going to be the people in your life that are semi-constant, and your actions, and how you decide to respond to situations affects your friend's actions, and sometimes emotional well-being. There needs to be a balance between your friends and your personal well-being. Finding that balance is a difficult thing to find on occasions. People get so wrapped up in how their decisions will affect their friends, that they forget to think about the main person of the show, themselves. I think that was what happened with Charlie. He was so used to not having that great of friends that when he got friends, he was in a panic that they would leave him if he did not make decisions that would help them

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