The Peloponnesian War Between Athens And Sparta

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Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian war was the war between Athens and Sparta. So let’s set the scene before the war began. It was late 400 BCE when these all began. The city-state of Sparta is located on the Peloponnesian Peninsula. Athens is located in Northern Greece. Both Athens and Sparta were both Greek imperial power during the time. Athens was known to be elegant and had a great love for arts, architecture and literature. Athens had the strongest navy. Athenians were polar opposites of Spartans. Sparta unlike Athens was known to be rugged and had a very strong and powerful military. Spartans were trained to be soldiers starting at the ripe age of seven. The people of ancient Greece looked up to Sparta because Spartans were self-disciplined, courageous, and were physically fit. However, Sparta looked down on Athens, Spartans held the arts in contempt and hated individualism. Despite the two city-states problems they came together to fight Persia. Athens and Sparta both saw Persia as a threat so they defeated the city. Athens won the first Persian War and Sparta won the second one. …show more content…

Athens began to feel more powerful after the Persian war and started the Delian League. The Delian league was the alliance between Athens and Many Greek City states. With the new sense of power the Delian league gave Athens they went to start a fight with the city of Corinth, ally of Sparta. This act is what caused the Peloponnesian war. After Athens caused conflict with Corinth, the people of Corinth went to their ally Sparta for help. Sparta went to help their ally Corinth by asking Athens to call of the conflict and leave Corinth alone. Athens declined this offer and instead went to war with

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