The Patriarchy In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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Many people even today still think that women are less important than men. They still believe what Aristotle said about the patriarchy and how Gods are above all, the men and then women, slaves and donkeys are in the same category. In the Canterbury tales Chaucer attacks this way of thinking even though it was hundreds of years ago when it became known and practiced. He believed that men and women, since they are all people should be equal and love and cherish one another and a husband and wife should. He created a Character called the wife of bath who says all his ideas and thinking for him in her story. First of all, the patriarchy is thousands of years old, made by a philosopher named Aristotle. He studied under Plato. The idea of the Patriarchy was that God was above all, then men, then women/slaves/animals. They were all in the same category. From then on, women were treated like animals only used for sex, children, and food. Even today some men still look at women like this and it is the patriarchy's fault. Ani Difranco once quoted, “Patriarchy is a fundamental imbalance underlying society And it's one we rarely address because it's so universal. But as I get older, I see that peace is a product of balance.” I believe that no matter how many people Aristotle have influenced with this idea, so many more people see equality in …show more content…

Class nobility is what makes you who you are based on who your parents were. Chaucer saw this as sin because it says in the bible to not judge by looks but by the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 states, “But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." I believe that Chaucer used this to represent the Parson because when all the other rich church people looked good, the Parson was the only one who was the real

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