O Brien Quotes And Analysis Essay

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Analysis This Passage is significant in many ways. O’Brien has a vague yet vivid memory of throwing a grenade and killing a young Vietnamese soldier in the midst of war and what really struck him was the corpse of the young man. He is dejected because of what he has done, and was even speaking in the third person and constructing fantasies as to what the man must have been like before he was killed. Weaving the story of the young man’s life into something similar as his own. The way O’Brien achieves this is through certain literary techniques. One is being Imagery. On the top of page 127 he says “The nose was undamaged. The skin on the right cheek was smooth and fine-grained and hairless. Frail-looking, delicately boned” (O’Brien 127). On the top of page 128 he also says “Along the trail there were small blue flowers shaped like bells. The young man 's head was wrenched sideways, not quite facing the flowers, and even in the shade a single blade of sunlight sparkled against the buckle of his ammunition belt. The left cheek was peeled back in three ragged strips. The wounds at his neck had not yet clotted, which made him seem animate even in death, the blood still spreading out across his shirt.” (O’Brien 128). O’Brien uses words like …show more content…

This highlights the guilt he is feeling for killing the young man and he basically talks about himself when he is making up this person’s life story because O’Brien says "the young man would not have wanted to be a soldier" and in the chapter ‘on a rainy river’ he tells us that he never wanted to go to war and almost fled to Canada. Specifically, O 'Brien views this man as himself, as what he will transform into if incidentally he loses his life in war. In his fantasy of what the young man’s life was like he finds similarities, and these similarities are not wanting to be in war and the fear of shame if you don’t go to war which was a lose lose

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