The Oversexualiztion Of Men In Advertising

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The oversexualiztion of men in advertisement often reflect the standards we place on men and what the ideal man is. After examining many ads I discovered the standards that are the very reason why advertisements can objectify men without have negative backlash. These advertisements are deemed acceptable because they support the notion of heteronormativity (or the heteronormative gaze). Heteronormativity is the common beliefs of heterosexuality being the norm of both genders and this intersects with the everyday life of people. After understanding this factor I noticed that the advertising of males followed a pattern of heterosexuality and hypersexulity. Within these ads the men are to seen as the ideal male that we should all strive to be like. …show more content…

Overall companies know in order to make money their brands, a products, services, or ideas to breakthrough the masses, their advertisement needs to draw on the viewer's attention. When drawing on their attention they can promote and gain traction. When analyzing the ads from many companies I saw the main tactic was appealing to the viewers humor and satire. By using humor and satire the ad made the males seem larger than life while doing simple everyday things. The larger than life status is usually being presented by being strong, muscular, and attractive, from these ads we are led to believe men will attract more women this way. With these factors in mind a company's goal is being accomplished while still adhering to oversexualization of Men. For the male audience they are being pursued to buy a certain product so they too reach larger than life status. The oversexualiztion of males in these ads also aim to the desires of a female audience. These ads reinforce the idea of what woman should want in men and how men should behave towards women. This attributes to the notions of heteronormative with these commercials …show more content…

Old Spice is an American brand of deodorant and other body cleansing products with a unique history. In its conception Old Spice mainly catered towards feminine needs but soon they discovered men mainly bought their products. This factor leads to the Old Spice we know today and their influence we that we do not notice. I analyzed Old Spice commercials from 2010-2016 and correlated it to my thoughts about the oversexualiton of man. Within the six years these commercials aired it starred actor Terry Crews and Isaiah Mustafa . These two actors are not the typical model or actor used for advertisements with them being dark skinned black males. Despite being apart of a demographic that's not typically represented as the ideal male they still carry traits of the ideal man. Terry Crews is a very masculine buff man in appearance and Isaiah is slightly slimmer but still very muscular in shape. These very traits attributes to the reinforce image of man being hypersexual and hypermasculine. In the Old Spice commercial Crews and Mustafa interacts with the audience in a humorous way which helps gains the audience attention. These commercial start off with either Crews or Mustafa in shower half naked with their abs and muscle on full display saying “Look down, back up. Where are you? You’re on a __(Insert whatever exotic or unrealistic setting ) _________-” This part of the commercial is

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