The Outsiders Chapter 1 Summary

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This is the most joyous thing to do, to criticize parts of other things like the book-The Outsiders. There are many topics I have that I can discuss. First of all, looking at all the chapter(1-12) I can tell there are many scenes that are action, dramatic, and emotional.There are many other types of scenes that describes the parts of the book. Now I am going to write about all the chapters and what I think about them. First chapter one-It was the main character-Ponyboy Curtis narrating the story starting with describing each one of the Curtis family and all the main greasers and Socs. Next chapter was interesting by the Socs being mean and starting the story. Moreover, the part when Cherry and Ponyboy's thought of everything's not right when …show more content…

Adding on, agreed that Bob was drunk and was not really Johnny's fault. It was because Johnny was trying to save Ponyboy suffering in the water of foundation. Lastly, run for no reason when Dally slapped him because of being late. On the contrary, there were many events that were predictable I will tell the three main ones I personally think are foreseen. First, the part when Ponyboy-the narrator-and through their actions. Following are some examples of these methods of getting familiar with a character. Here is an example for a description of Ponyboy: “Steve Randle was seventeen, tall and lean, with thick greasy hair he kept combed in complicated swirls. He was cocky, smart, and Soda’s best buddy since grade school. Steve’s specialty was cars…” (page 17). The reader can find this kind of descriptions almost everywhere in the story, but especially in the beginning. The descriptions make the reader know the characters better and understand their actions. A good example of an action that was taken and suggested something about a character is the way Dally was killed. He wanted the police to kill him, so he robbed a store, and the police officers shoot him. This shows that Dally was sensitive to a death of a friend although he acted like a tough …show more content…

Moving on, the most shocking one- Johnny kills Bob.Technically, it was all the Socs though it is really impactful as a reader to understand/know an innocent person that is always scared of things did such a courageous thing and that is to protect his mate to get the evil not doing that bad deed.Though it's unbelievable to think that way.In spite of this, the most horrible and horrifying thing is the sacred place got into fire Church.The predictions are told in the book that maybe when they were smoking they left their cigarette there and just caught the church in flames.Where everywhere came to save some kids that were inside the Chruch.As the greasers drove by they were quite shocked hat this happened except for Dally though Ponyboy and Johnny felt bad and sad for that and thought that it is because of them.As the great hero's saved every kid in the church since the roof was about to get collapsed dally came in to help take the kid out of the window.Also, because it was risking Johnny's and Pony's life-though more Johnny.At the very last moment, Ponyboy was about to get a wood piece with flame in his back and Dally saved him partly.On the other hand, Johnny had last got three degree burns along with a broken back of Dally, and Ponyboy's few injuries in the hospital got them kind of healing.The most memorable of all Johnny and Dally death.First, it's Johnny died near the end of the book in the hospital because of his severe

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