The Other Wes Moore Essay

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Prompt:In the face of adversity, what causes some individuals to prevail when others fail? Everybody is different and grew up in a different way. We all have a different story; all of us grew up different. Some are right, others are wrong. “The choices we make about the lives we live determine the kinds of legacies we leave.” How did you turn out? In the book “The Other Wes Moore, Wes Moore shows us how we all have a different story and a deep meaning behind us. There's always good and bad things in everything. Guardians and parents can impact you in any way; when you really think about it, they can have a good or bad impact on your life. The way they can have an impact is through expectations and values. It could be good or bad because maybe …show more content…

The way it can also impact them is that, depending on how their guardian or parent got raised, the child might follow in their footsteps. You might want to go their way or completely go the opposite way. They can impact decisions and how you think about stuff, positive or negative. The things they do can impact your future. What we all hope for is that our parents and guardians will be there for us and have a positive impact on us. Either we could go the good route or the bumpy one. What we all want, deep down, is the good route, no matter what, there might be little bumps in the road, but you still keep going because the bumps never stop you. The things they do can maybe affect you in the future, or you may see things that remind you of them that you might not even realize. The way someone turns out depends on how they were raised, expectations,religion,where they were raised, poverty, or richness. “I tried to copy his walk and his expressions.” “I was his main man. He was my protector, my friend. That was the only memory I had of my father. The other was when I watched him

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