The Origins Of Gothic Architecture

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1. Gothic architecture • The start of the word Gothic and the architectural style that has this word in it comes from the Goths. The Goths were a barbaric tribe who held power in various regions of Europe. Between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire and therefore around the 5th to the 8th century. They had two branches, the Ostrogoths and the Visigoths. On the contrary, even though the style is called “Gothic architecture”, the Goths were not known for great achievements in architecture. • Some believe that Gothic architecture is derived from the Goths. However, the Goths were not noted for their peculiar style of architecture nor have they been mentioned as inventors or improvers of any art or science in history. It has been thought that it may have been from the Saracens during the time of the Crusades. Someone returning from the crusade might have introduced it. • This style of architecture first emerged in northern France around 1140. It started with the construction of great churches in Paris and evolved to more greater height, light, and volume. Later on, they used gothic architecture for secular buildings like castles, palaces, bridges, city walls, and gates. In England, two highly important buildings: Canterbury Cathedral and Westminster Abbey were created using Gothic architecture. • Several elements from Gothic architecture were borrowed from the Lombards and the Franks. They took the compound pier and archivolt, the alternate system, and the ribbed and domed vault. It can be seen that the main dispositions of the Gothic plan are derived from Carolingian developments of the early Christian basilica. The most fundamental element of Gothic architecture is the pointed arch, whi... ... middle of paper ... ...he Hall of the Castle or Manor House. They would pray again before sleeping. • Being a peasant in the Middle Ages was hard. During the summers, peasants would start as early as 3 am. They would start their day off with breakfast. Then, peasants would work in the fields. They would reap, sow, plough, thresh, and hedge. They would finish at dusk. Working hours during the summer months were longer. • William I first introduced the Feudal System to England. The Normans from the time they settled there had used this system in France. The Feudal System was a simple system where the King owned all lands. The King would decide who he would lease land to. Therefore, only the men who the King could trust were able to lease land from him. Before they were given any land, they had to swear an oath to remain faithful to the king at all times. These men were known as barons.

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