The Organizational Determinants Of Ethical Dysfunctionality In An Organization

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Virtuous actions and ethical dysfunctionality are two topics selected from scholarly articles focusing on ethics in organizations. The two articles focus on the workplace and explore the interactions between employees. This essay will explore these relationships and how each compares and differs as reflected in the two journals.

The Organizational Determinants of Ethical Dysfunctionality
A key element leading to determining ethical dysfuntionality in organizations is the existent presence of a “strick vertical hierarchy.” (Jurkiewicz, C., & Giacalone, R. 2016). This top-down structure creates an environment where alternative oponions are discouraged and there is little if any cooperation between departments. In this structure, leaves employess with little to no choice to seek alternative options and bypassing organizational reporting to supervisors. An example of this type of structure and level of dysfuntionality can be seen in the federal government and other larger …show more content…

Where the articles differ is how these play into ethics in an organization. The Organizational Determinants of Ethical Dysfunctionality article points to the vertical hierarchy as the main driver for unethical behavior. The larger the workplace and the further ethic safety nets are from the wrong doers offers opportunity for unethical behavior. Also, the more dysfunctional the organization, the more prevelant the unethical behavior within the organization. Additionally, the article suggests that unethical behavior has a contagion factor as well, spreading to other organizations within the same geographic area. This article differs for the Virtuous Persons and Virtuous Actions as the structure of the organization and not the individual is the true culprit of ethical choices. The Virtuous Persons and Virtuous Actions article takes a more philosophical approach to ethics pointing to the individual and his or her virtues (gratitude for

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