The One Percent Analysis

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The One Percent made by Jamie Johnson, of the Johnson and Johnson family, on economic inequality. He digs into the working poor’s problems and he tries to talk to members of the upper-class. His own father refuses to talk about their own situation as one of the wealthier families. Yet he works on making this film without his family’s support. He brings up the workers on sugar cane fields. These farmers were employing immigrants but didn’t keep safety standards up to regulation. This really showed you that people will do anything to make more money. By not spending more money on housing or safety these farmers were making more profits off their workers. Not even paying some of them minimum wage. This made the workers life harder as they could be injured easily and then be out of work. When the farmers were forced to mechanize parts of the farming process it created a smaller demand of workers. This means more people without jobs. …show more content…

They were forced to steal yet the police were there to stop them. No one was there to help them. They couldn’t leave, they had no where to go and no way of getting there. Their employers evacuated so there was no job left for them, no money. The police weren’t helping them get to safety. They could wait for hours to get provided rations but waiting that long meant death for some and these conditions were harsh on the children. Watching them drag a dead body away was heartbreaking because so many people could have prevented this but nobody thought about the working poor, those that didn’t have

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