The Notting Hill Race Riots 1958

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The Notting Hill Race Riots 1958

Source Based

Source A is a piece from an article which appeared in Searchlight

Magazine in 1999. The author is trying to convey that the Notting Hill

race riots were a turning point in race relations in Britain.

This source was written by Gary Macfarlane who is most likely

anti-Nazi as he wrote this article for an anti-Nazi magazine, this

fact establishes that he is for race relations and immigration but

might exaggerate how bad his right wing oppositions are. Another fact

about this source is that it was written in 1999, over 40 years after

the riots so he might have hindsight or evidence that would make this

source more accurate. It is written in a powerful tone as it links the

race riots to Hitler, one of the most racist men in history. In my

opinion, the author wrote this article because he wanted people to

know that it was not the whole of the British population that was

racist but only some white and Nazi minorities and that black people,

mostly youths, were starting to fight back to these minorities after

years of torment.

I know that in most of the late 1950's race relations in Britain were

astonishingly poor. The British white population just could not accept

foreigners coming and taking their jobs, houses and even women. For

example, in 1958 a journalist interviewed a group of young white men,

the conclusion from these men was that West Indians are liars and

can't be trusted. Another example is Sam King, ex-mayor of Lambeth,

who came over on the 'Windrush' said that 'There is racism' but the

fact that he was a mayor of a British county, with mostly white

people, questions this. So there were white people who tried to

prevent racism like the woman on the bus in Source A. For example,

there was an Anti-National front demonstration in Manchester, the

photo of this showed mostly white people taking part. Also there were

many speeches from important people that supported immigration e.

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