The Notebook Psychology

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The Notebook Thought to be one of most memorable and trademark romantic movies of all time The Notebook is far from your average love story. The movie is average in the fact Allie daughter of a very rich and proper mother and father falls hopelessly in love with Noah, just a poor mill worker and of course her parents don’t approve. When Noah leaves for war Allie falls in love with another man. As expected Noah comes back from war right when Allie is about to get married but it is obvious she is still in love with Noah. As the characters growing older and as the story goes on we find ourselves towards the end of the film to realise the movie is being told from the perspective of an resident in a care facility. This resident is reading …show more content…

Morally in their between their adolescence and early adulthood they both valued love and the simplicity of life. Noah was a hard worker and Allie just wanted to help him ease his stress which showed she was a little less mature than he was. Yet as the story went on Noah started to decline when he regressed to build the house to what he originally knew and was stuck in a developmental route while she was moving on with things until she saw the photo.When they reach their older age stage they have different perspectives on life yet still value the same things. Noah has stepped up on the responsability side of things and as we analyze it is hard to say whether or not Allie is the same due to her …show more content…

He is such a loyal person and he is always there for Allie. He is emotional and thinks with his heart over his head. He is developmentally stunted because of his heart. Also Allie is an otter. Her personality is every outgoing and she tends to avoid conflict. She hated facing the reality of things and does let others take control sometimes. The two work together because they are both emotional and help fulfill each other's emotional needs. Yet there are downfalls to them working together. They don’t always use their words rationally or talk things out so this causes issues. Her memory loss in the end causes issues but on a positive note they really word it out by having the whole story written

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