The New Deal Dbq

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During Franklin Roosevelt's administration, Roosevelt developed the New Deal that was a turning point in American politics with the extent to end the Depression. The question of the government shifts to how much should the government help to create government job opportunities and decrease the unemployment rate in order to put relief not only on the government, but also on the American people. The New Deal helped millions of people throughout the United States to receive hope for a recovery that intended to end the depression for good. The New Deal changes the role of the government in citizens' lives, creating new reforms in the extent to cause changes so the Depression doesn't happen again. The New Deal was a turning point in American …show more content…

The government debated how much money should be spent to create government job opportunities to help put relief on American citizens and get them out of poverty. The government created the National Youth Administration that gave job opportunities in the urban areas that built and maintenance parks and other projects. The government developed the Rural Electrification Administration that made private utility companies to bring and build electricity to the poor, rural regions in America. These poor countries, such as Texas and New Mexico, only had 10 percent of electricity. Most farmers in isolated rural farmstead were unable to financially afford electricity. President Roosevelt believed that it was the governments duty to pay for the private enterprise if the private utility companies could not supply electricity to the people. Instead of Herbert Hoover motto," Pull yourself up by your bootstrap," Franklin Roosevelt switched The United States government to, "Lend a helping …show more content…

The government regulates the economy, unlike the laissez-faire which means noninterference by the government in the matters of economics. The government developed Federal Communications Commission that revoked the licenses of station producers that fail to operate the publics interest. Another reform the government establish in 1934 was the Securities Exchange Commission to regulate stocks, bonds, and other security necessities. To control the chaos in the stock market, congress proposed public corporation to register their stock sales and make efficient financial disclosures. The government also created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporations. This was created under authority of the Glass-Steagall Act, also known as Banking Act of 1933. The Federal Drposit Insurance Corporation was to insure bank deposits in eligible banks against loss in the event of a bank failure. All of these reforms are alive

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