The Negative Impacts Of The Great Depression

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Selcuk Bali defines depressions as, "prolonged periods of economic downturns often characterized by a rise in unemployment, general rise in commodity prices, lower production levels, and in many cases, lack of credit facilities or borrower apathy." He goes on to say that in most cases Depressions are triggered by specific events in an economy, (Bali).The Great Depression, is often times called the defining moment in the twentieth-century of the United States history, it was "the longest, deepest and most pervasive depression" in America, according to Szostak. Szostak goes on to say that the lasting effects practically affected all countries of the world, however the U.S. in particular fell victim to one of the world 's greatest economic downfalls. …show more content…

The Great Depression basically affected every aspect of the American life. Both public and private sectors were adversely susceptible to the negative effects. According to Rauchway, "the severity of the Depression 's misfortune also diminished the difference between the comfortable and the hard up." Slavin tells us "prices began to decline, investment in plant and equipment collapsed, and a drought wiped out millions of farmers. By March 1933 the economy had completely hit an extremely low point, in that, "national output was about one-third lower than it had been in August 1929". Thousand of banks failed causing people to ultimately lose faith in the system. The official unemployment rate at that time was a twenty-five percent, but according to the text these figures give a partial description of the real story. As a matter of fact millions of workers had given up on looking for work in the depths of the Great Depression. There was simply no work to be had.These people were not counted as part of the unemployment rate because they did not comply with government standards, for they were not actually actively looking for work, (Slavin

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