The Negative Impacts Of Fast Food

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Throughout the ages, fast food has played a major role in our society in both positive and negative ways. It has boosted our economy and been a part of worldwide culture for decades. Despite all the positive effects fast food may have, the method of manufacturing fast food is often forgotten. The processed food is made with harmful bacteria and mixed meat that negatively is affecting our body without many people realizing it. Companies are using clever advertising methods to reach out to young kids which does not only develop bad habits at a young age, but intoxicates their health as well. As our connection to media is expanding daily, fast food companies are targeting their audience through exposing name brands, new products on television and marketing through public …show more content…

What our society does not understand is that the health risks outweigh the few minutes of satisfaction the cheap food brings. The production of fast food industry should be reduced because it causes obesity, mental health effects and health issues to people. It is no surprise that fast food causes obesity. However, it is disturbing to hear and see young children and teens being targeted by this disease every day. Fast foods are affecting children and teens worse than adults. This is because fast food companies are targeting their younger audience by marketing advertisements to the public. Research shows that fast food has caused 43 million pre-school children across the world to be obese and a total of 92 million pre-school children to be overweight (Poskitt). Countless people are suffering from obesity, as it has started effecting many young children and teens as well. From happy meals to school lunches, fast food companies are using astute techniques targeting children to consume their products. Companies are spending billions of their budgets yearly on finding cheaper, unhealthier products to introduce to Society. These products are

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