The Negative Effects Of Rock Music On Teenagers

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Effects of Rock Music on Teenagers (Including me) These days when it some people listen rock music, specifically Punk or Metal, if it is even mentioned they think of the loud screaming and bad messages being sent to our youth. Some even consider that this music is "changing" us and causing teenagers to rebel and do bad illegal actions, but they are wrong. A lot of people do not realize there is so much more to rock music than they think, and it actually does a lot for us as teenagers/ young adults. I won 't disagree with the theory that rock music affects us, because it does but not in such the negative bad way that some people think. From my experience this genre of music has effected my life greatly, but not in the big negative way that some people may perceive . Punk and/or metal rock has actually brought and molded friendships together, but it might not be so obvious that people around us can see . A lot of the friendships I have now were brought together because we have the same taste in music. I remember one of my closest friends and I became friends instantly as soon as we brought up the subject of bands. We both sat in class ranting on about all the kinds of bands we listen to and which ones we wish we could see live. That was 4 years ago, and I look back on that day now and think "wow this huge friendship all started out because we like the same music." It makes me think that if I never gotten into rock music as a young child we might not be best friends, or at least not as fast, but you get my point. Little moments like that I …show more content…

It is so much more than that, it goes from growing friendships to deep down level of helping us gain confidence and deal with emotional problems. You just have to break through the stereotypes and barricades of whatever judgement is out there about rock music to see it is greater than what it

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