The Negative Effects Of Flag Football

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As a rational, motivated, and sophisticated society, as we learn the ill effects of an action we naturally take action to combat these effects. As we learned of the physiological damages of smoking and alcohol we enacted laws to inhibit their consumption and media campaigns to bring their harm to light – we evolved. As we gained the knowledge necessary to identify links between harm and its cause, we changed and improved. However, we seem to have encountered some evolutionary stagnation when it comes to the link between sports and the head trauma with which they are attached. Why have we not taken every step necessary to inhibit the rampant effects of this disease? At least, the nation has begun to take notice of CTE, its poignant effects, and just how easily it can occur. All levels of the game of football – from youth to professional – are attempting to combat and evolve how the game is played so that we can vastly …show more content…

Most flag football leagues tend to have an age cap at 13-14 years that leaves most teens on the verge of entering high school. For those that are still sufficiently attracted to the game, they will most likely attempt to go out for high school football that could potentially cause problems. As Paul Daugherty, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, a USA Today affiliate, stated: “For boys who wait until they're 14 or 15 to play tackle, the real thing can be more than a little jarring. The first time someone ‘unloads’ on them, it might be a real shock to the system.'' However, is there any data to support the notion that teens are more susceptible to head trauma if they have been conditioned with flag football as opposed to contact? To be forthright, there is no conclusion evidence to call into question the future safety of flag football

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