The National Aeronautics And Space Administration (NASA)

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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, is an organization that for years has been the greatest, statistically, in the U.S, under the category of space exploration. With many achievements in space technology, including sending the first man to the moon, the program has skyrocketed to new heights. NASA was created in 1958, and since then the program has been part of many historical feats in aerospace technologies (Garber 1). NASA was built off of other companies, before it officially became the program we know it as today. Even though a few years back, NASA and the government terminated the space shuttle program, space travel still lives on. The program, as a whole, still has things to do and work on. Each and every year …show more content…

At least once a month a spacecraft is taking off or landing. Many days there are unimaginable things happening at NASA. When a spacecraft takes off the whole program is in awe, paying more attention to the lift off. For example, The Saturn orbiting spacecraft, Cassini, was in space since 1997, but mid 2017 the craft took its final orbit before successfully nosediving onto the planet (Kaplan). When the success of this mission first hit NASA the shock by some of the mission leaders was unthinkable. Being able to do something they had thought they wouldn't conquer was incredible. This somewhat recent mission is just one example of how NASA is still in the works today. Cassini had also, along with success, brought in large amounts of new information never before learned about the moons of saturn's …show more content…

This accomplishment along with the many of others has shed way for NASA, and other programs to do and create new things, once before thought to be impossible. For the US, as a country, these advantages in space exploration and experience in what NASA does, has set America above the rest of the world in space programs, making it one of the most prestigious on the globe. The space program has accomplished a tremendous amount of new scientific and technological beginnings. Remaining the leading force in air and space, NASA has been simulating public interest in science and technology in general, as well as aerospace exploration as a whole (Garber 1). In the past, there have been six series of missions that have dealt with mankind in space, from the Apollo space missions to the space station check ups. According to NASA they are currently in the works of 4 more future space exploration

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