The Movie Pursuit Of Happyness By Christopher Gardner

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The movie “Pursuit of Happyness” is about a man named Christopher Gardner. For me, this movie is extremely touching, and I have learned many things from watching this movie. Christopher has invested many of his family funds in a machine that is identified as the Bone Density Scanner. Christopher feels that the machine would be some classy machine that all doctors would use, and he would be wealthy from selling it. Nevertheless, the Bone Density Scanner did not sell like he thought it would because the machine is almost as the same as the up to date machinery but with a higher price. As days goes by for Christopher in his search trying to sell the Bone Density Scanner, his companion leaves him; he loses his home, his bank account and his possessions. This has forced Christopher and his son to be homelessness and live on the streets.
At this period in his life, Christopher is extremely in need of a job. Christopher has to get through the roughest time of his life. In my opinion, this component of the film is extremely sad but Christopher did not give up and was dedicated to taking care of his son no matter what it took. One day, Christopher noticed the chance to land an internship spot at Dean Witter as a stockbroker, but before he could get paid he had to do six months of training with twenty other candidates. The best moment of the story, Christopher got a call from the head man of Dean Witter, and he told him that he was great with his training and his first day as a broker would be tomorrow. Christopher rushes to get his son from day care and hug his son knowing that everything he has been through with his son would be all right, and he do not have to struggle anymore.
This film has taught me the needs to experience and the ...

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...ghout your search for happiness. Social interaction is a process in which family help guides you on your trail in searching for happiness. This can be shown in a variety of environments and occasions, mainly common being family dinners at home.
In conclusion, I learned that anyone in this society can make it in America. Christopher was not “anyone.” He was penniless, but he had an ordinary gift of intellect, charisma and drive that made him one in a million. It’s nonsensical to consider that “Pursuit of Happyness” shows that anyone can make it; on the contrary, this film shows that, for someone starting with zero in America, it takes an absurd amount of aptitude and force to pull you up. Life is what we make it. We as people can shape our lives in the best way we can. To be able to succeed in life, your wishes for success must be superior to your fear of failure.

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