The Montgomery Bus Boycott

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The people I hold dear to my heart today are those of a race that this country’s society hated many decades ago. I am a firm believer of equality amongst everyone, but unfortunately, many of the white society back in the mid 20th century did not partake in my views. For instance, after the Civil War had ended white politicians in America placed a series of laws against black people into affect called the Jim Crow Laws. Martin Luther King Jr. stepped in and tried as hard as he could to help black equality with the public bus situation. The question at hand is what role did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. play in the Montgomery Bus Boycott? Dr. King fought for civil equality dealing with the segregation of public buses by defying the Jim Crow Laws, helped create the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and created motivation for black people to oppress white ruling in the south in the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
After the Civil War, America was in a time of separation and segregation due to the southern state’s Jim Crow Laws. “Jim Crow laws restricted the rights of black people and kept them segregated from whites… On buses they had to sit at the rear and had to give up their seat whenever a white rider was left standing.” These Jim Crow laws caused Americans to be divided in the most superficial way possible: by the color of your skin. These laws existed for many years after the abolition of slavery. The problem was that black people had been told that they were being given freedom, but they were still treated like they were slaves. White people were willing to take the money of the black people, but they would not allow them to eat at the same restaurants as white people. “Blacks had to use separate restrooms, eat in separate restaurants, drink at s...

... middle of paper ... not for the fame, or for the money, it was not for power, it was for quality. It was to give black people the same rights and privileges as white people; even rights as simple as being able to choose where you would like to sit on a bus. Without Dr, King the Montgomery bus boycott may never have got off the ground, and buses in the south might still be segregated even to this day. Through his conviction and devotion to the cause Dr. King proved that change can happen without violence.

Work Cited Page
Harding, Vincent. Martin Luther King, the Inconvenient Hero. Mary knoll, NY: Orbis, 1996. Print
Kent, Deborah, Freedom Riders. Chicago: Childrens, 1993. Print

Kissinger, Jo s., and Stephen Walker. Rosa’s Bus. Honesdale, PA: Calkins Creek, 2010. Print
Miller, Jake. The Montgomery Bus Boycott: Integrating Public Buses. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 2004. Print

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