The Misfits Summary

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In the following summary, “The Misfits”, written by James Howe, states that Bobby Goodspeed is working at his very first shift as a tie salesman at the awkworth and Ames department store. The main characters are Bobby, Skeezie, Addie, and Joe. However, the setting of this story takes place in a little town, paintbrush falls, New York. To begin with, the opening situation of “the misfits” is all mostly about Bobby’s first shift. On the other hand, Bobby has a new boss and his name is Mr.Kellerman, it's called killer man behind his back, because he's so mean and grumpy. Moreover, Bobby, Skeezie, Addie, and Joe are the gang of five even though there are only four of them. “The gang of five”, that name is a joke. They also thought there could be one more member that can join their gang. They have Addie as the leader. Addie is brave enough to say what she cares about. She is also very stubborn enough to stand by it, no matter what. …show more content…

Addie believes that the pledge is a lie. These were Addie's exact words, “the United States is supposed to be the land of freedom, but Liberty, and justice are not truly available to everyone.” In addition, I actually agree, because not everyone can have Liberty, and justice. To be continued, Bobby continues as a tie salesman after school. At the end Mr.Kellerman starts to act a little nice which was inconvenient to Bobby, because he thought he was just all grumpy and rude. Now Bobby usually sees his boss Mr.Kellerman as a less terrible person. Which is good,because which employee would like to see their own boss as a bad person. That would be very immature and childish. In summary, the climax of this whole book “the misfits” was that the candidates must argue with opposing parties, and convince their fellow classmates of the damage caused by name calling. Also, by insulting others which is very immature at the level their

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