The Minor Prophets

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“For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:21 (ESV)
There is no doubt that God has always had the right to transmit their truths to humans, but especially those who have been called to participants of His Kingdom. It is very interesting that humans are only interested and focused so often on their own reasoning, God has had such patience that always He has used His prophets to communicate which will be His divine purposes, be those for blessings or for judgments, “Besides, the eternal God of Israel isn't a human being. He doesn't tell lies or change his mind." 1 Samuel 15:29 (CEV) and what He speak will be fulfilled no matter what.
However, always it have to be careful that the interpretation of each of the prophecies has to be guaranteed by the scriptures, if the prophecy fail to be endorsed, and supported by the scriptures this shall be taken as false.
Hindson and Yates in their Book the Essence of the Old Testament A Survey states the following:”Altogether the minor prophets are a collection of the messages of 12 individual prophets to Israel and Judah that serve both as predictions of judgment and as promises of hope for the future. (Ed Hindson & Gary Yates, 2012, p. 366)

In What Manner do the Prophets Speak about Idolatry?
“You expect wooden idols and other objects of wood to give you advice. Lusting for sex at pagan shrines has made you unfaithful to me, your God.” Hosea 4:12 (CEV)
The prophets were sensitive to the voice of the Spirit of God and when the people of Israel began to deviate in idolatry God has to reveal to His prophets in this case the prophet Hosea, the unclean and detestable it was for God that his people go afte...

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... buildings”, in their many kinds of program which according to them are to attract the crowds, and finally a series of mundane and worldly practices that they do is to alienate the presence of the Lord of their meeting places.
God are raising His prophets this time those men and women who are more interested and focused on what matters to God, they are more interested in let it be sanctified by the Spirit of God. Those are the ones that God is raising up in these last days, so they can through the Word of God and the prophetic revelation, they will prepare the bride to meet His beloved. Christ is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle. So praise God for the times that came to the church, but the question is: It is the church prepared for the cleaning and ironing? Only the time will tell, when those who have let the Holy Spirit of God do the work in their lives.

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