The Messenger of the Lord by Ellen G. White

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The Messenger of the Lord: The Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White was written by Herbert Edgar Douglass and published in 1988. Herbert E. Douglass is a Seventh-day Adventist Theologian who wrote commentaries for five books and also serves on the staff that edited, the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary. Douglass’ book is a comprehensive treatment of how Ellen White’s prophetic gift functioned in her life and ministry. This book was written with two purpose in mind: (1) to provide Seventh-day Adventist with a fresh look at the life and witness of Ellen G. White, and (2) to provide the resource material for college and seminary courses on the gift of the prophecy, especially as manifested in the life and ministry of this inspired messenger of God.
The Messenger of the Lord: The Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White was divided into eight sections; Chapters 1 to 3-titled God’s Communication System explores briefly the Biblical teaching about how God has been revealing the ‘good news’ (the gospel) of salvation to men and women. God is revealed through Jesus Christ, the Revealer. The Holy Spirit passes on, through the ‘gift of prophecy’ the truth as revealed in Jesus. Chapter 4 to 12 titled The Real Ellen White focuses first on Ellen Harmon’s childhood and teenage experiences. Then, her role as Mrs. Ellen G. White, wife, mother, neighbor, soul winner and public personality be examining her life from her own writings as well as from the viewpoint of those who knew her best. Her fascinating blend of Victorian woman and rugged American pioneer will be studied.
The Listening Messenger, which is the title for Chapters 13 to 16, will observe how the prophetic gift functioned in the ministry of Ellen White. The historical background...

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...prophet, received instruction from God.
The ministry of Ellen White and the emergence of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are inseparable. To try to understand one without the other would make each unintelligible and undiscoverable. This book was written to give the reader an insight into the life of the prophet Ellen G. White and mostly her revelation with God. This book also helps the reader to understand his or her own personal desire of communication with the creator (God). The Messenger of the Lord is a well written book as it has opened avenues of thought that allows for a clearer understanding of who God is an His ever growing love for human beings. Chapters 1 to 3 is a favourite of the whole book, primarily because of it revealing information of how God reveals himself and the gospel of salvation to men and women. The Messenger of the Lord is a must read.

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