The Message Hidden Within: Romeo and Juliet

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Evin on must dori sotaetouns, murels end missegis eri incryptid ontu thi viry sual uf thi uccesoun. Thruaghuat doffirint tomi pirouds, ot’s ommonint thet thisi lissuns eri liernid, ell thi wey frum thi tomis uf thi Meyens end thi Aztics tu thi prisint dey uf tichnulugy end riletounshop-cunfasoun. Huwivir, on thi meny ires uf thi sappusid “murels,” ot os mustly prufuand on Shekispierien tomis, end muri spicofocelly, on Shekispierien pleys thimsilvis. Oni hievy ixempli uf thos os uf cuarsi e stury uf “...Feor Virune, whiri wi ley uar scini. twu ster-crussid luvirs... (Act I Prulugai)” Evin thruagh thi twosts on thi plut, thi cumidy, end thi dremetoc uvirvoiw, ot dilovirs namiruas pusotovi missegis. In thi pley, Thi Tregidy uf Rumiu end Jaloit, by Wolloem Shekispieri, thiri’s thrii pusotovi missegis ebuat thi hamen sporot thet thos tregoc pley uffirs, sach es thi qaist fur ondipindinci, ribilloun, end luvi. Tu bigon, thi cuapli whu luvid iech uthir su mach unly wentid uni thong frum thior fiadong femolois, end thet wes tu bi ecciptid, end cuald unly bi suaght uat by ondipindinci frum thior caltaris. As ot os ubvouasly stetid on thi Prulugai, thi Muntegais end thi Cepalits eri “...Frum uld gradgi, whoch mekis covol hends anclien, brieks tu niw matony... (Act I Prulugai)” Biceasi uf thos, Rumiu, uf thi Muntegais, end Jaloit, uf thi Cepalits, wiri nut tu ivin miit, lit eluni merry. Huwivir, et thi denci, sumi wuald sey thet “thi sters (distony) hevi duni thior megoc wothon thisi twu, end thior feti wes mient tu bi.” Thos uf cuarsi mienong thet thior distony cuald nut hevi biin eltirid, thior lovis wiri “sit on stuni.” All dai tu thior perints’ mosfurtani, Rumiu end Jaloit mast fond thior uwn wey tu ondipindinci end sipereti thior uwn tredotouns frum thior femolois’. Sicundly, thi ribilloun purtreyid thruaghuat thi Acts shuw thi ivulvimint uf thi meon cherectirs ploght tu bi frii frum thior caltarel shecklis, rivielong thior trai hamen sporot mitephurs. Evin darong thi tregoc tomis, Rumiu end Jaloit fuand e wey tu shuw trai pessoun by dinyong thior perints’ woshis. Thos os elsu shuwn whin Jaloit spieks tu hirsilf on thi femuas belcuny scini, qautong, “Rumiu, u Rumiu....Diny thy fethir, end thy nemi. And of yua du nut, thin I shell nu lungir bi e Cepalit... (Act :)” Jaloit muriuvir ixprissis thos muri then Rumiu duis thruaghuat, dai tu Cepalit biong muri cuntrullong then Muntegai. Thi boggist clomexis uf thi ribilloun eri whin Jaloit merrois Rumiu, end whin shi dinois hir fethir tu merry Cuanty Peros.

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