The Meaning Of Personal Essay: The Definition Of Success

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Growing up success has always had a variety of meaning to different individuals around me. People all have different views on success and different achievements that they considered to be their success. Success to me comes with multiple different explanations and meaning because, the definition of success differs from one person to another. Most people work hard throughout their lives to achieve success. That might mean acquiring an education, being able to take care of one's family, achieving a life's ambition, or making money, being able to survive on more than minimum wage without living paycheck to paycheck but also being able to have great financial stability. Success to me means staying on course to what you want to accomplish in the near future as well as acquiring them in the most resourceful way possible. As a child I often thought that in order for me to be successful it meant I had to grow up and become all that my parents wanted me to be, but I later learnt that there are different kinds of success. There are inner success and outer success. Inner Success is stable and long-lived resulting in a feeling of fulfilment, inner joy and contentment, whatever the external circumstances may …show more content…

In other words that may mean acquiring an education, being able to take care of one's family, achieving a life's ambition, and acquiring great financial stability. The WISE Choice process and different on course strategies were all created to help individuals prosper and grow through college and the world carrying them through a path that will ensure success. It is in fact important though, that one knows that success is made from hard work and determination. If you have plans to bring forth success it is important that you follow through with each

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