The Mathematics Of Origami

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Origami, from the original Japanese words ‘ori’ meaning folded, and ‘kami’ meaning paper, is the art of paper folding. The practice originally began as an artform, but recently it has been realised that the mathematics behind origami has many practical applications. This is due to the advances made in computer science and computational geometry. Some terms that are common in origami must first be explained in order for the tactics described below to be properly understood1. A crease, otherwise known as a fold can be convex or concave, referred to as a mountain fold, or a valley fold respectively. All the creases used form a crease pattern. If two or more creases intersect a vertex is created. If there is a series of successive creases relatively close to each other the resulting form is called a pleat. A crimp involves a reverse fold of convex and concave folds. Crimps and pleats form accordion and corrugated patterns, which are then used in a variety of applications, and a series of different combinations result in different crease patterns, the most notable of which are described further on.
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Origami is so interesting because it can be used to create any polyhedron from a flat piece of paper only through folding. A polyhedron is a 3D surface composed of polygons, which are 2D flat surfaces with edges that are straight lines. In order to create a polyhedron with paper one must first fold a piece of paper into a rectangle. Once this is done, triangulation must occur. A zigzag pattern is created through this triangulation, parallel to the shared edge with the next triangle and starting at the opposite corner. A mountain fold, or valley fold, is then used in order to fold the strip onto itself. The path is created by utilising this fold and folding the back layer over at the required

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